We Wish You A Merry Christmas

by Bold Commerce on December 21, 2017

It is so easy to get caught up in the trappings of Christmas.  I know we all do it, especially moms like me.  We want to make sure our children have magical memories to look back on once they’re grown and leave the nest.  Shopping for the perfect gifts.  Pinning craft ideas to our Pinterest boards with grand ideas of being the next Martha Stewart.  Braving the crowds at the mall to make sure we get that perfect picture with Santa, even though the big guy is likely to scare the stuffing out of Baby Katie.  Hours spent in the kitchen baking those tasty Christmas treats, trying to have that Hallmark moment of baking with the kids, only to get frustrated that they keep dropping eggshells in the dough, and they’re wearing more flour than you remember buying.  Driving around to look at the Christmas light displays, but the teenager doesn’t look up from her phone long enough to take in the splendor of looking at projector lights shining on someone’s garage.  And whatever you do don’t forget those hours spent wrapping all those gifts.  I mean, maybe you lovingly made handmade bows for each and every box, or maybe you threw it in a gift bag and taped it shut...whatever, you still took time away from your latest Netflix binge to get it done, so it counts.   

Whatever your traditions are, we spend so much time and energy cultivating them, but at the core of that is the reason we do it.  Family.  As an adult, I know that as I look back on my childhood, I can’t remember what my gifts were each year, but I remember gathering around the tree with my family to open them.  And isn’t that what it’s all about?  And in that moment on Christmas morning, after we dig our way out of the mountain of torn up paper and shredded bows, we know that it was all worth it and we’ll do the same next year.

Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around we share with each other all those things that we are thankful for, but shouldn’t we do the same at Christmas?  Have you ever stopped to wonder why we spend all that time on the perfect presents and traditions?

More than 2,000 years ago, a baby was born in a manger, and from more miles than I can count away, three wise men saw the star, and they gathered their gifts and started out on a journey to meet the newborn King.  Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  I would tell you those were the first gifts given in celebration of Christmas, but the first was the baby born that night.  

Christmas is the time of year that we honor that gift.  It is when we gather our families close and and indulge in our traditions.  

At Popcorn Friday, Christmastime is a busy time of year, and we are grateful for each and every moment we spend helping to make your Christmas memorable.  Our customers are what keep us going.  As our family celebrates Christmas this year, we will not forget the joy that you have brought to us.  We will cherish the memories we’ve made helping you make your holiday brighter.  Above all, we will rejoice that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with so many wonderful gifts.  

From those of us at Popcorn Friday, may you have a very merry Christmas and many blessings in the new year!


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